Allah SWT. has said in al-Quran letter of an-Nahl verse 97 :
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِنْ ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثَى وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَنُحْيِيَنَّهُ حَيَاةً طَيِّبَةً وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ (97)
Whosoever doing good deeds, both man and woman in a state of faith, verily We will give a good life (hayatan thayyibah/ kehidupan yang baik) and verily We will give replies to them with better reward than what they used to do (Q.S. An-Nahl, 16: 97).
The verse above explain that to get the good life (hayatan thayyibah/ kehidupan yang baik), there are two condition must be done, that doing good deeds and faith in God. In much place, Allah always juxtaposing this requirement for get good reward. As in letter of al-‘Ashri verse 2. In this verse Allah explained that all of man is loss, except people that faith in God and doing good deeds.
What kind of deed that can be called as ‘amalan shaliha that can deliver us to good life (hayatan thayyibah/ kehidupan yang baik) ? As Sayyid Thanthawi said, it is all of deed done based on sincerity/ heartiness and compatible with prophet doctrine. Of course all of it done based of faith of God in his heart, not only doing good deeds. Faith of God be manifested by  believe in deepest heart that there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad as his prophet, then say laa ilaaha illallaah, Muhammadur rasulullah as testimony of divinity of Allah and apostolate of Muhammad SAW. It is doesn’t enough till here, this believes must be continued with good deeds in his life, compatimble with prophet doctrine, this good deeds famously be called taqwa. If both requirement reached by a moslem, he will get the good reward from Allah, hayatan thayyibah (kehidupan yang baik).
What is the characteristic of hayatan thayyibah (kehidupan yang baik) ? Mufassirin said there are several characteristic of hayatan thayyibah (kehidupan yang baik) ? First, he get the clean grace (rizki halal) in his live accompanied worship to Allah SWT. He is be spared from the dirty grace (haram). Second, Ali bin Abi Thalib say, hayatan thayyibah (kehidupan yang baik) is qanaah. Qanaah is feel enough of God gives. Whether much or too litte accepted with glad. Third, hayatan thayyibah (kehidupan yang baik) is the forever life in paradise later, because life in this earth is temporary and briefly, and not as good as in the paradise.
The conclusion, hayatan thayyibah (kehidupan yang baik) is form of life that combine several aspect, namely life that full with clean grace from God, then this grace accepted with glad and feel enough with it, and never forget to always worship to God as gratitude to his gives. In the end, he will get good replies from God in the hereafter, that is paradise.


               Some time we ask, why terorism arise recently, after event of WTC destruction. Whereas, terorism may arise before. I think it has any relationship with George Bush statement after WTC destruction, that the crusade has begined. So, what is the source of radicalism in Islam ?
If we note some recently event, some people (expert) try to look for what is the main reason of  radicalism in Indonesia. They discuss this popular theme in several conference, and the conclusion is, the source of radicalism in Indonesia is material teaching in pesantren, that include islamic ideology and exlusive doctrine. The solution of this problem is change the fuction of pesantren, that at first as spreader of ideology to only as educator of islamic material not islamic ideology and the pioneer of economical growing.
If we back to about 1300 years ago and later, at this time, Islamic caliphate became the central of culture and civilization in the world, especially in Fatimid. In this era, all of religion free to worship to each their God. So with the islamic sect, they are free to do their sect, only in field of law, they have to follow Shia concept. Moreover, there are public officials with christian religion, but they expert in it fields. In this period, all people feel safe, properous, and the nation grow up in all field, politic, economy, knowledge, agriculture and other. There is no radicalism from Islam as majority people to other. We know, that islamic ideology hold strongly by Shia. But it is not become a reason of arise ofradicalism. So, islamic ideology not one of a reason of radicalism.
If we note to the event later. There is much effort from several person/community to excommunicate Islam. Something that avoid in Islam, done by them, like making caricature of the prophet, burning of al-Quran, spread insult film like “innocent of Islam”, and the other. Of course, this deeds, make moslems in the world angry, and motivate them to provide resistence. In the other case, moslems always be considered wrong when moslems try to guide the purity of Islam. When there are some people who claim to be a prophet after Muhammad, then moslems try to avoid this, because has tarnish of purity of Islam doctrine that state there is not prophet after Muhammad, the moslems will be judged wrong, because they have against the expression freedom. Let we think. What will we do if some people insult our family ?, just quiet or defend our family. Likewise, some case, rise the movement that  named himself as Islam, but the doctrine so far from real Islam, like Lia Eden, Ahmadiah,  and other. This movement can make Islam doctrine not clear. The moslems feel have obligation to guide the purity of Islam, and it be called as radicalism in Islam by other group.
The conclusion of this analysis is, the source of radicalism in Islam is not the islamic ideology its self, but the source of radicalism in Islam is intolerant from other group, that deliberate ignite the angry of moslems. If all of people in this world have the same thought, to secure the world, there is no will to distrube the other, and effort all of interest with justice way, we sure there is radicalism in the world.
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